Students of Theatre at HIS begin their study in grade six. All students in grade six, seven, and eight have an opportunity to explore Music, Theatre, and Visual Arts on a carousel rotation where students are introduced to the MYP Arts criteria and learn the foundations of all three disciplines. Students of Theatre delve into improvisation, physical theatre, and the performance and production elements of theatre. Young MYP learners also participate each year in an interdisciplinary Arts unit (IDU) that explores the interconnections among the Arts and allows students to meaningfully apply the skills they have developed throughout the year.
As students transition into grade nine, they may select one arts course for deeper study in the MYP. These courses are designed to provide greater depth and challenge and prepare learners for the rigors of DP Theatre. Units of study for Theatre students in the upper MYP explore play texts, theatre theorists, world theatre traditions, technical theatre, directing, and more.
In grade eleven and twelve, students may elect to continue their study of arts in DP Theatre. This rigorous two-year course can be taken at the standard or higher level. In the first year of the course, students complete mock versions of all assessment tasks in order to familiarise them with the criteria and task expectations. The second year of the course is fully focused on completion of the official IB tasks. All students will participate in a collaborative devised performance; research and present on an unfamiliar world theatre tradition; and imagine the staging of a chosen play text in a production proposal. Higher level students will also select a theatre theorist and develop a solo performance based on an aspect of their theory.
Outside the classroom, secondary Theatre students are invited to participate in an annual production, which alternates between a play and a musical each year. There are ample opportunities to participate as performers (actors, singers, dancers, and instrumentalists), as well as behind the scenes (costumes, hair, makeup, directing, lighting, props, set, sound, stage management). Leadership opportunities are offered to committed and experienced individuals.